I look upon the sky and there is the sun blazing...then without warning...God brings down shower with just a switch. Life, a moment sweating like a dog...next moment all drenched and wet.

Monday, December 26, 2005

The Conspiracy against Children Finally Revealed

[Caleuter] Earth, The greatest fraudulent scheme in history was finally uncovered today, there is indeed no Santa Claus nor any solid evidence of him ever existed, according to Dr Calp Ang, leading researcher of mythological studies in NUK. This is his second disclosure of similar global fraud in the year, as he has earlier revealed the non-existence of the Valentine's day Cupid.
Thorough satelite scans and years of examination in the North Pole did not support the presence of Santa Claus Industrious Limited Headquaters. No red nose reindeers, no cheap Elves labour, no ultra-efficient global logistics delivery on a flying sleigh and definitely no overweight, heart disease prone Santa Claus.
The children globally have been misguided to believe in a thousand year old scam which endure them to behave good throughout the year in order to receive presents from a bearded man dressed in red. "Letters to Santa in North Pole are gathered by parties who conspired the schemes. It is just another scam for data miners to get the mailing lists of children so that the information can be sold to marketing agents. It is also to a scheme to get into the minds of children so to launch new products based on children's demand," said Dr Calp.
He also mentioned, "Continued embracement of the mythological character has fueled growth in the children focused industries like entertainment products, toys and clothings." Parents and adults worldwide are obliged to purchase huge ammounts of Christmas presents annually, and even dressed up like Santa to keep the "Santa Dream" alive.
Dr Calp Ang himself has bought toys (as shown in the picture) for his niece, Ivy and nephew, Jonathan so that they would not be dissapointed. However, as he mentioned, the joy of the loved ones meant more than anything in the world.

The article above is completely fictional and based totally on the personal opinion and creative imagination of the writer. The writer will not be liable for any damages, physically or mentally sustained by the readers due to the study or publishing of the above post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha,

Funny you. you are Dr. Calp, aren't you? :p

8:00 AM


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